Fondation de Schoeb Frôté SA
Fondation de Capitalium Advisors SA
Newletter 2016 Schoeb Frôté SA
1ère Schoeb Frôté Golf Cup
Lancement de l'application digitale F&P System
Développement de l'offre F&P Group
Newsletter Automne 2017
Schoeb Frôté SA (octobre)
Newsletter Automne 2017
F&P Group (décembre)
2éme édition Schoeb Frôté Golf Cup (1er mai)
Nomination à la présidence de la Caisse de Pensions des entreprises Bien-Air
Lancement de notre offre CASA NEXGEN, programme d’accompagnement de la nouvelle génération (janvier)
Participation en qualité d’orateur à l’événement « Solutions GFI » à Genève (11 mars)
Vainqueur du Wealth Briefing Swiss Award dans la catégorie: Asset Manager Serving Family Offices and Private Banks (février)
Schoeb Frôté SA obtient le prix WEALTHBRIEFING SWISS EAM AWARD 2022 dans la catégorie Family Office (mars)
Judges were impressed that “They have developed a range of tools with the help of Swiss fin tech companies, to consolidate, monitor and analyze the financial and non-financial assets of their clients”. “Schoeb Frôté SA has developed over the years a strong network of competencies in-house and with expert partners to have bespoke answers and solutions for their clients. They also have developed proprietary tools for their clients to monitor their wealth” said one judge. “A multi-disciplined Swiss team of around 50 employees in offices in Bienne, Neuchâtel, Solothurn, Geneva and Lausanne with the know-how to find the right solution for every need and the right structure for every investment, assists individuals, families and companies in all stages of their development, taking into account the tax and legal conditions as well as family dynamics” said another
Nos priorités sont de répondre aux besoins spécifiques de nos clients en proposant des méthodes d'investissement innovantes, compréhensibles et maîtrisées.